Mp3 – Reclaiming the Heart


Best preceded by Sky and Earth Meditation
Disentangling yourself from others – People, Partners and Pets.
We have parts of ourselves scattered all over the world. It is time to come back to yourself and be present. When we are born we form a co-dependent relationship, exchanging hearts energetically, with our primary care givers, be that our parents or another. We do this in order to survive. As we grow we then frequently take on the beliefs, emotions, projections and even the dreams of others, giving over aspects of ourselves to keep others happy. We also then mimic this behaviour in our other relationships with other people, partners and pets. This guided meditation is a simple yet profound process to disentangle ourselves and the other, from the limitations and ‘stickiness’ of the co-dependent relationship – moving out of a relationship of need and obligation and creating the space in which everything can change. Both parties can be where they are meant to be. If there is to be a continued relationship, it will arise of its own volition and come from a place of willingness for connection and this carries with it the energetic of joy. It is recommended that after doing this you avoid contact with the other, for at least 24 hours. This allows for settling and integration to occur on all sides. In gratitude to Jean Manuel Nadeau, who inspired this process after suggesting I re-exchange hearts with Peri.

Disentangling yourself from things – Places, Projects and Possessions
We have parts of ourselves scattered all over the world. It is time to come back to yourself and be present. When we are born we form a co-dependent relationship, exchanging hearts energetically, with our primary care givers, be that our parents or another. We do this in order to survive. As we grow we then frequently take on the beliefs, emotions, projections and even the dreams of others, giving over aspects of ourselves to keep others happy. We also then mimic this behaviour in our other relationships with places, projects and possessions. Strange as it may seems, think about how often you fall in love with a particular city or country, how you talk about putting your heart and soul into a company or a project, and how much you adore your house or car or some other possession. We are creating the ground of attachment and co-dependency here as well. This guided meditation is a simple yet profound process to disentangle ourselves and the other object, from the limitations and ‘stickiness’ of the co-dependent relationship – This means that we can gather our energy, dreams and perhaps forgotten parts of ourselves as we move into the new with the fullness of ourselves. We can be fully and joyfully where we choose to be. This means that we are creating the space for the new to arise, disentangling from that which no longer serves us. This allows others to take their place in the company or to buy the house or car we no longer use. Please note, if you are doing this around a company for example, it is recommended that after doing this you avoid contact with it or those connected to it, for at least 24 hours. This allows for settling and integration to occur on all sides.
